speculative design
what are systems that are currently not working for us
what are broken systems?
when you touch me can you feel the presence of all who have touched me before this?
the dust that has accumulated here brought by everyone who’s occupied this space and at different times
it’s impossible to ever communicate all our thoughts and feelings to other people
language is a cloak for meaning
ever since the beginning of technology, all our lives, we’ve been broken down into bits and pieces of data and information. we’ve become standardized as a commons in order for technology to become more commercial and better cater to the capitalistic market.
we’ve become generalized and put into boxes.
to create a new device, we first think of a user profile. who are we building for? is it for anna, who is an asian-american student in her late twenties living in brooklyn? or is it for anita, who is an 80 year old living in stockton, california? how does alice send a message to bob? how can we turn this into an elegant and efficient algorithm so it might be repeated over and over again later?