We had a very helpful session with another lab mentor on how to connect our 2 components: the distance sensor and LED light strips, together on the same board. We had tried to fit them together, and used code from both libraries to make them work simultaneously, but we ran into an issue where the LED lights would turn on but the distance sensor wouldn’t or vice versa. Eventually, we figured out the issue was not with the connection but with the code. We were not putting the code inside the correct if statement to change the lights with the distance sensed.



Also thanks to the mentor, we got the idea of laser cutting the “Happy Halloween” letters onto the chip board we had. Unfortunately due to unfamiliarity with and possibly incorrect settings on the laser cutter, we burned through a few bits in our letters, and had to resort to using a razor later to cut out the letters the laser cutter didn’t completely cut through. In the end Annan was able to figure out that the 20s and 60p settings were the best, and running it 5 times successfully cut our letters out of the chipboard.

