Final stopmotion clip:

For the stop motion, Andriana and I came up with the idea of following the story of a leaf through the cycle of life. We decided to take a short clip and make a story out of a leaf falling from the tree and losing its friends, and its journey to attempt to get back to them.

Beautiful Cobble Hill Park

Beautiful Cobble Hill Park

We went to the nearby Cobble Hill Park, and found a nice tree and leaves we could use for our story.

Using the stop motion app on Andriana’s iPhone

Using the stop motion app on Andriana’s iPhone

Setting up the shot for the introduction scene

Setting up the shot for the introduction scene

It took us a total of 3 hours, with waiting around for people in the park to move out of the shot or for the right timing. It was a good idea that we went to the park earlier as the park got busier the later we stayed.

Figuring out the best camera angle without too much light interference

Figuring out the best camera angle without too much light interference

After filming, I took the video and added the drawings using Adobe AfterEffects. Overall, it was a fun but tedious experience filming the stop-motion especially when you’re in an outdoors environment where there’s a lot of other things to factor in. If we had more time we would polish up the visuals more, add a title and end screen, and maybe play around with some background music as well.

Andriana setting up the shot for the leaf climbing up the tree

Andriana setting up the shot for the leaf climbing up the tree

First shot of our main character leaf

First shot of our main character leaf