I looked & looked by Magali Duzant

This is one of the zines I picked up at the NYABF ‘22. It’s a small collection of writings and pictures by artists who viewed the same full moon, inspired by a letter Georgia O’Keefe and Albert Stieglitz wrote to each other on the same night in 1923 to tell each other about the same full moon they were seeing. I like the idea of this collection as a collaborative effort between multiple artists, as well as a form of communication about a shared subject. The book is also printed on very beautiful pages.




Porcelain As Expression by Gentle Oriental & Wing On Wo & Co.

I like this riso zine as it’s informative and has a lot of drawings as well as explanations for motifs typically seen in Chinese ceramics. The pages are of photos of ceramics sold at Wing On Wo & Co, as well as illustrations by the artist Gentle Oriental with both Chinese and English definitions of the motifs. It’s intention was most likely meant for potential buyers as well as people interested in learning about Chinese ceramics.





I bought this zine from a seller I don’t recall the name of, at a different Printed Matter zine sale during the summer. It’s a collage collection of old newspaper articles all regarding a story of one or many cats attacking a member of the police force. I thought it was a funny book to keep around and a good example of quick publications of found materials. This book was probably created with a photocopier and was intended for casual readers. It takes a jab at

